is a six pack worth THE EFFORT

When I sit down with clients, especially male clients, one of the first things that comes up is the question, “How do I get six pack abs?”. I get it, we all want to look really fit and having a flat stomach, especially with some well defined abs, seems to be the marker that everyone is aiming to achieve to show that they have arrived in their fitness.

But is it worth it?

Here are some of the pros and cons to achieve a six pack:


  • Improved Aesthetics: Six-pack abs are often considered a sign of a fit and toned body, which many people find visually appealing. Achieving this look can boost self-confidence and body image.

  • Health Benefits: The process of attaining six-pack abs often involves reducing body fat, which can lower the risk of certain health issues, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This is always a good thing.

  • Core Strength: Developing a six-pack requires strengthening the core muscles, which can enhance overall functional strength and help with activities of daily living, sports, and posture. This can also help with reducing or eliminating back pain.

  • Motivation and Goal Achievement: Setting and achieving fitness goals, such as obtaining six-pack abs, can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


  • Time and Effort: Achieving and maintaining six-pack abs typically requires a significant amount of time and effort. It often involves strict dieting, frequent exercise, and dedication to these routines. Make sure you are as focused on your overall program and not just your abs.

  • Dietary Restrictions: Maintaining low body fat levels often necessitates strict dietary restrictions, which can limit your enjoyment of certain foods and social experiences.

  • Genetic Factors: Genetics play a substantial role in body fat distribution. Some individuals may find it challenging to achieve visible six-pack abs due to their genetic predisposition. If you can achieve defined abs easily, give Mom and Dad some serious props!

  • Unsustainability: The extreme measures required to maintain six-pack abs may not be sustainable in the long term for everyone.

  • Body Image Pressure: Pursuing a specific body ideal, such as six-pack abs, can contribute to body image pressure and may lead to unrealistic expectations and body dissatisfaction. For many the idea of achieving them is so great that if they don’t, they feel as though they have failed in their overall fitness journey.

  • Risk of Overtraining: Excessive exercise to maintain low body fat levels can lead to overtraining, which can result in injuries, fatigue, and negative health effects. While this isn’t simply related to abs, the idea of chasing a particular look can become one that creates a host of issues.

Obtaining the six pack, as you can see, has its pros and cons, but the cons can have some pretty serious consequences, both mentally and phsyically. My advice is to simply working keeping your nutrition a priority and sustainable. In addition, adding some quality core work into your program will help you develop the overall strength you desire from your core. If this brings with it some visible signs of a six pack, then great, but be careful that you don’t obsess about this look and put yourself in a negative mindset by either trying too hard to maintain them or discouraged that you can’t.

Remember we are all different in terms of our bodies and what works for one person may not work at all for another. Be the best YOU first and don’t worry so much if you can’t achieve a specific look that someone else has.


